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oatly原味燕麦露oat drink原味燕麦露,原味燕麦露Oat Drink 这是我们的原味燕麦露

oatly原味燕麦露oat drink原味燕麦露,原味燕麦露Oat Drink 这是我们的原味燕麦露


原味燕麦露Oat Drink 这是我们的原味燕麦露,采用无菌包装,你尽可以放心以室温储存。适合什么时候饮用?其实和老派的牛奶完全一样,直接饮用,也可以用来做菜或者烘焙,用量也是完全一样。 ————————————————————————————————————————— 值得点赞的 跟我说哪里不值得你点赞?这是每日饮品的最佳选择,不仅富含钙和膳食纤维,而且包含了1.5%的完全来自油菜籽和燕麦的脂肪。且没有额外添加糖分。 配料 燕麦浆(水,燕麦10%)、菜籽油、碳酸钙、磷酸钙、加碘盐 不含乳糖、牛奶蛋白和大豆。 配料来自哪里? 营养成分表 每100ml 能量 190千焦/50大卡 脂肪 1.5g —饱和脂肪 0.2g 碳水化合物 6.6g —糖 4.1g* 膳食纤维 0.8g 蛋白质 1.0g 盐 0.11g 钙 120mg * 燕麦自带的天然糖分 其他 不含牛奶、大豆、大米或坚果。。 谷蛋白?阅读更多详情!


文老师咖啡服务(OATLY燕麦奶 、oatly.wenhonggang.com)文咖啡。


oatly,原味,燕麦露,oat ,drink,原味d燕麦露,原味燕麦露Oat, Drink 这是,我们,原味燕麦露

What makes Oatly Oatly and not just another company

What makes Oatly Oatly and not just another company

More than you would ever want to know about our products.  What makes Oatly Oatly and not just another company.  Potentially the most watched films about oats ever.




文老师咖啡服务(OATLY燕麦奶 、oatly.wenhonggang.com)文咖啡。

What ,makes ,Oatly, Oatlychina, and ,not, just, another, company

The original idea behind Oatly was to find a way to make

The original idea behind Oatly was to find a way to make


The original idea behind Oatly was to find a way to make a nutritious liquid product for people who just didn’t like cow’s milk or were unwilling to use it for personal reasons. Today, the concept of producing a drink directly from oats instead of first feeding oats to a cow and letting the cow process them into milk is an option but back when we started in the 1990s most people thought we were totally crazy. That’s okay, we are happy to be right where we are now making quality products based on oats for you to enjoy. Thank you very much.

文老师咖啡服务(OATLY燕麦奶 、oatly.wenhonggang.com)文咖啡。

The ,original ,idea, behind ,Oatly ,was ,to ,find ,a ,way ,to, make