spillage when loading the coffee into the portafilter(slingshot磨豆机)slingshot咖啡磨豆机

spillage when loading the coffee into the portafilter(slingshot磨豆机)slingshot咖啡磨豆机



spillage when loading the coffee into the portafilter

Waste during the charge of the coffee portafilter All the coffee grinders on the market generate coffee ground spillage when loading the coffee into the portafilter. The problem is more accentuated in the fresh on demand grinders style, especially when a high coffee dosage is required.  Slingshot features a sealed distribution chamber which accurately delivers the ground coffee to the portafilter with no loss of coffee.




spillage when loading the coffee into the portafilter(slingshot磨豆机)slingshot咖啡磨豆机



spillage when loading the coffee into the portafilter

Waste during the charge of the coffee portafilter All the coffee grinders on the market generate coffee ground spillage when loading the coffee into the portafilter. The problem is more accentuated in the fresh on demand grinders style, especially when a high coffee dosage is required.  Slingshot features a sealed distribution chamber which accurately delivers the ground coffee to the portafilter with no loss of coffee.




spillage, when, loading, the ,coffee ,into ,the ,portafilter
