


Slingshot’s unique casing design guarantees optimum air flow control. A powerful fan ensures constant hot air extraction from the motor area.
No more coffee grind variation due to unstable high running temperature.

冷却风扇内置 冷却系统 ,可控制内部温度并将存粉器保持在恒温。

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Slingshot’s unique casing design guarantees optimum air flow control. A powerful fan ensures constant hot air extraction from the motor area.
No more coffee grind variation due to unstable high running temperature.

冷却风扇内置 冷却系统 ,可控制内部温度并将存粉器保持在恒温。



Slingshot’s ,unique ,casing, design, guarantees, optimum ,air ,flow ,control,Slingshot

The Slingshot’s unique dosing system(slingshot磨豆机)slingshot咖啡磨豆机

The Slingshot’s unique dosing system(slingshot磨豆机)slingshot咖啡磨豆机



The Slingshot’s unique dosing system

The Slingshot’s unique dosing system works on the volume of coffee delivered in the portafilter. the daily adjustment of the grind settings won’t influence the dose provided.Our system minimises the coffee waste during the calibration.



The Slingshot’s unique dosing system(slingshot磨豆机)slingshot咖啡磨豆机



The Slingshot’s unique dosing system

The Slingshot’s unique dosing system works on the volume of coffee delivered in the portafilter. the daily adjustment of the grind settings won’t influence the dose provided.Our system minimises the coffee waste during the calibration.



The ,Slingshot’s ,unique, dosing ,system ,works ,on ,the ,volume

Everything we make, we make on Swedish oats

Everything we make, we make on Swedish oats

Everything we make, we make on Swedish oats. If you are wondering what makes Swedish oats so special, the answer is very simple. They grow strong and tall in the Nordic climate, which is a crazy mix of long sunny days (in the summer) mixed with short periods of intense rain. Moreover, many of the nasty pesticides that are used on oats in the rest of Europe are totally forbidden in Sweden. And the minimal traces of heavy metals that you find in regular Swedish oats are not significantly greater than those found in organic Swedish oats and fall well below what is considered to be safe for consumption. And this makes Swedish oats rather unique.


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And,this ,makes ,Swedish ,oats ,rather ,unique