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德国迈赫迪Mahlkonig EK43s 磨王手冲意式数控电动磨豆机新款包邮

EK43 S Allround Grinder The EK43 S provides the powerful performance of Mahlkönig’s famous EK43 within a space-saving corpus, that finally brings premium coffee grinding to the smaller coffee bars, too. The EK43 rules the international coffee specialty industry as the undisputed queen of coffee grinders – with high performance, reliability and premium grinding results. Its outstanding grinding profile remains unmatched. The EK43 provides the most even extraction of the coffee’s valuable aroma and is known to be a guarantor for an outstanding taste experience and a symbol for quality. Its special shape has become an icon within the international barista scene, which feels deeply connected to the EK43 by its shared passion for coffee. DEALER SEARCH PRINT INFORMATIONWe cooperate with sales and service partners in more than 70 countries around the globe. Find the dealer that is closest to you and get into contact.
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德国 Mahlkonig EK43 磨豆机 白色机身 透明豆仓 商用电动研磨机


SONGWA ESTATES We owe every single cup of aromatic coffee to the people who dedicate themselves to the growing of the coffee trees. Therefore, Mahlkönig participates in the Songwa Estates coffee farm, in close collaboration with the roaster manufacturer Probat and the espresso machine producer LaMarzocco. Together we further develop our know-how about coffee while we realize social projects together with – and foremost for – the local people.


德国迈赫迪Mahlkonig Vario home单品 意式定量磨豆机 咖啡磨豆机


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新款 德国迈赫迪Mahlkonig Vario home单品/意式定量咖啡磨豆机
新款德国迈赫迪Mahlkonig ek43磨王磨豆机电动家商用意式手冲研磨
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原装Mahlkonig迈赫迪K30 ES VARIO咖啡磨豆机定量电动商用研磨机

THE SPIRIT OF INNOVATION | Inspired by coffee. Mahlkönig is leading in innovation by shaping the trends of tomorrow. We have set new quality standards within our industry through the introduction of the “grind-on-demand” principle and raised the awareness for the advantages of fresh grinding on the taste. Our most recent grinder models combine especially engineered premium grinding technology with innovative features for an optimal workflow at the coffee bar. Our motivation and inspiration is our close contact to the international coffee industry to which we feel genuinely connected by our common passion for the best coffee. Mahlkönig is a long-term well-esteemed member of the specialty coffee community and actively promotes the community’s spirit through its engagement, especially at events taking place on every continent on earth. Driven by the aspiration to contribute to the highest coffee enjoyment, we further develop our new grinder generations. With top performances in product and grinding quality and with a strong spirit of innovation Mahlkönig is increasing its lead over the competition.


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文老师EK43-S磨豆机-德国MANHLKONIG EK43/EK43S/EKK43 磨豆机

文老师EK43-S磨豆机-德国MANHLKONIG EK43/EK43S/EKK43 磨豆机




咖啡磨豆机MAHLKONIG 迈赫迪 EK43磨豆机
德国MAHLKONIG 迈赫迪 EK43S商用研磨机WBC比赛电动咖啡磨豆机

优点1:研磨均匀度;EK43最主要的优点是研磨的均匀度一致,所有的磨豆机都是制造成双峰分布的颗粒(丽静分析两极化),而EK在这方面则没什么不同。也就是说,一般研磨会因为颗粒大小的两极化而妥协,虽然也有精细到低于100微米的误差,但颗粒大小误差通常会是在200-1000微米这个范围。但使用EK的话,颗粒大小的误差明显小于其他磨豆机。那研磨均匀度对咖啡的意义是什么?意义很深。研磨的大小越均匀,咖啡的萃取就会越均匀。当你考虑咖啡的均匀萃取时,EK43同样可行,它的研磨均值和众数都是最小的。测量的咖啡萃取率取的是一个均值,不同大小的咖啡颗粒萃取都会有轻微的不同,然后将它们混合在一起,有一半的咖啡可能是被过度萃取,另一半的咖啡可能萃取不足,但是萃取参数的常识会告诉你,混合后数值恰好适中。这不是科技的缺陷,而是咖啡就是如此。当你的磨豆机研磨的咖啡粉颗粒的大小范围广的话,得到的萃取率的范围也会很广,尽管这样,你得到的平均萃取率也只是一个简单的数字。所以当研磨的颗粒精细度越集中,在萃取过程中咖啡味道变糟糕之前,咖啡的萃取率就会更高。 如果研磨后有很多较大颗粒,想要在这些大颗粒中提高萃取率就比较困难,而且还导致了一个更大问题,那就是最小的咖啡颗粒被过度萃取,而较小的颗粒又可能萃取不足,导致咖啡的萃取结果可能是同时出现酸涩/植物性和苦味/干涩的口感。(了解磨豆机文章链接——全面了解咖啡——磨豆机) 优点2:更均匀的萃取
德国 磨王迈赫迪 Mahlkonig EK43 EKK43商用研磨机磨豆机电动数控

文老师EK43-S磨豆机-德国MANHLKONIG EK43/EK43S/EKK43 磨豆机





文老师EK43-S磨豆机-德国Mahlkonig迈赫迪 EK43S 矮版 咖啡磨豆机新款黑白色

文老师EK43-S磨豆机-德国Mahlkonig迈赫迪 EK43S 矮版 咖啡磨豆机新款黑白色


德国 迈赫迪Mahlkonig ek43咖啡电动磨豆机 研磨机 商用磨豆机
现货德国迈赫迪Mahlkonig ek43 咖啡电动磨豆机研磨机 商用磨豆机

优点2:更均匀的萃取 好奇为什么颗粒大小会影响萃取吗?小颗粒有较大的表面积,因此萃取会相对容易-而大颗粒则是相反。

不均匀的研磨可能会产生平均20%的萃取率。大致来说,一份espresso的粉量比例决定了一杯咖啡的好坏,但这杯咖啡液可能会包含10%大颗粒的萃取,中颗粒的萃取约18%、细颗粒萃取25%,这样的萃取感觉起来不是很正确吧? EK产出的颗粒大小更均匀,因此萃取包含了高比例的相近大小的颗粒,因此,相近的萃取颗粒对风味的影响甚巨。 优点3.更高的萃取有更多风味 EK的冲煮结果可推向更高的而没有负面影响的萃取。
咖啡磨豆机MAHLKONIG 迈赫迪 EK43磨豆机
德国MAHLKONIG 迈赫迪 EK43S商用研磨机WBC比赛电动咖啡磨豆机


文老师EK43-S磨豆机-德国Mahlkonig迈赫迪 EK43S 矮版 咖啡磨豆机新款黑白色

