新款 德国迈赫迪Mahlkonig Vario home单品/意式定量咖啡磨豆机

新款 德国迈赫迪Mahlkonig Vario home单品/意式定量咖啡磨豆机


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E65S GBW & E80 SUPREMEFOR THE LOVE OF WORLD CLASS COFFEE The E65S GbW with its integrated high-precision load cell features ground breaking real-time scale controlled dosing for unmatched control over your espresso quality. The E80 Supreme as the fastest and most advanced premium espresso grinder on the market, amazes with fast and accurate grinding for high capacity utilization – without compromising consistency and taste.
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Mini Vol豆仓磨豆机 适用于迈赫迪 Mahlkonig EK43系列 EKK43 K30
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E80 SUPREME ESPRESSO GRINDER Supersized 80 mm special steel burrs  Top notch grinding profile for a superior taste experience  Powerful motor with active temperature management for high-speed performance  Disc Distance Detection (DDD) enabling accurate settings of the degree of fineness (patent pending)  Adjustable illuminated spout providing a centered coffee outlet  High-resolution display with a wide viewing angle


新款 德国迈赫迪Mahlkonig Vario home单品/意式定量咖啡磨豆机






