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Its outstanding grinding profile remains unmatched. The EK43 provides the most even extraction of the coffee’s valuable aroma and is known to be a guarantor for an outstanding taste experience and a symbol for quality. Its special shape has become an icon within the international barista scene, which feels deeply connected to the EK43 by its shared passion for coffee.
德国 迈赫迪Mahlkonig ek43咖啡电动磨豆机 研磨机 商用磨豆机
Mahlkonig 迈赫迪 德国磨王EK43S商用单品手冲意式咖啡磨豆机电动

EK43 S
Allround Grinder
The EK43 S provides the powerful performance of Mahlkönig’s famous EK43 within a space-saving corpus, that finally brings premium coffee grinding to the smaller coffee bars, too. The EK43 rules the international coffee specialty industry as the undisputed queen of coffee grinders – with high performance, reliability and premium grinding results.


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德国 迈赫迪Mahlkonig ek43咖啡电动磨豆机 研磨机 商用磨豆机




